Tribute Wall

Edgar A. MacLeod posted a condolence
Friday, February 24, 2023
My condolences to Dave's family
The news of Dave's passing has precipitated feelings of sadness mixed with so many fond memories. Dave was a true gentleman as well as a Police Leader who served as a role model for countless police officers who followed him in his career. In the early days of his career Dave gave generously of his time with his colleagues Joe Ross to vastly improve policing in the Maritimes and beyond. These efforts formed a legacy will be with us well into the future.
Edgar MacLeod APA 1973
Bill Joyce posted a condolence
Thursday, February 23, 2023
I am so sorry to hear of Dave's passing. We both served with the Dartmouth City Police Department back in the 1960's and 1970's. We worked together as a team on many occasions and enjoyed sharing many ideals and forward thinking challenges. We enjoyed similar interests such as playing our guitars. In pursuit of our individual interests, Dave decided to move on beyond municipal policing to other organizations within the purview of law enforcement. Dave and I both pursued a life long continuum of training, education and knowledge. As a result, we crossed paths frequently and each time, discussed how much we had followed each others career paths, from a distance. Dave and I mutually enjoyed our respective life long pursuits of knowledge and service. Therefore, I have personal knowledge and experience to share that Dave was an exceptionally fine and honourable man. May he rest in peace.
William (Bill) Joyce
Eric Bishop posted a condolence
Thursday, February 23, 2023
Very saddened to hear of Dave’s passing.
Dave and I worked together with the N.S. Dept. of Justice, Policing Div., back in the 90’s. and he was certainly able to utilize his vast experience and knowledge gained throughout his career in policing, in a capable and forthright manner. His lifetime service within the police community, and to the general public, is commendable and he will be sorely missed by family and friends
Most sincerely
Eric Bishop
Delaney Chisholm posted a condolence
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Please accept my sincere condolences on Dave’s passing. Dave was the Chief Instructor at the Atlantic Police Academy in 1973 when I attended and he was a great person and had a wealth of knowledge in the area of Policing and life in general.
RIP Dave....
Christene LeBlanc uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, February 22, 2023




+ 1
Janice Tissington uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Eric Fiander posted a condolence
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Dave was at the Academy when I attended in 1973.
A very compassionate man with a wealth of knowledge.
A good man all around.
Pat Carroll posted a condolence
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Dear Christene, Janice, Vicki, Dianne and families, so very sorry for your loss, my thoughts and prayers are with you all at this sad time. So glad you were all able to visit before he passed, it must have been comforting for Dave to see his girls and I’m sure he felt the love.
Sending prayers and sincere condolences to all,
Hugs, Pat
Jim Lynds posted a condolence
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
I was a Cadet at The Atlantic Police Academy in 1972 when Dave was an Instructor there.Dave,Mac MacDonald (Director)and Bud MacMurtry worked well together and helped create a family atmosphere for us all.I went to the horse races a couple of times with Dave as well as attending a function at his home with members of our class.My condolences to all family members and close friends. Sgt Jim Lynds (ret’d) NGPD.
Pat Dickson posted a condolence
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Dave was a member of the Atlantic Police Academy staff in 1974 when my class were cadet constables (students) there. He was a great instructor who commanded our respect but he was also so very supportive of us as we moved through our policing careers, whether short or long. In 2014 we held a 40-year reunion and Dave drove to Saint John to be with us, offering his memories from so long ago. Dave was a good man and APA Squads 6 and 7 will miss him.
Carmel Phillips posted a condolence
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Sincere condolences to the family of Dave Camp,
One of our great instructors at APA, 1974,
Carmel Phillips.
Mary Williamson posted a condolence
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Thinking of you and sending my sincere sympathy.
marjoriedensmore mingo thompson posted a condolence
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
i remember dave or mr camp as we called him when he guest lectured at apa way back in 71 and heard he then became director -what a fine man -keep his memoeies close and he will never be far away
The family of Dave Camp uploaded a photo
Tuesday, February 21, 2023

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