Tribute Wall
In Memory of
Yasmine David
1939 - 2023
Sunil Pandya posted a condolence
Saturday, November 4, 2023
Yasmin was a member of the batch of medical students that joined the Grant Medical College and Sir Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy Group of Hospitals in Bombay in 1957. She graduated in 1961, completed her internship and travelled with Charles David (senior to her in the medical college) to Chicago. The rest of her life-story is well known to you.
It may be of interest to her family to note that she was always a jovial person, living on the sunny side of life. She was also fond of sport. She inherited the family motivation foe helping all those around her.
Her brother, Mr. Azim Premji, is an eminent industrialist, famed for his humility, generosity and willingness to help others. Mr. Premji developed his father's company into the world famous WIPRO Industrial Corporation, with headquarters in Bengaluru (earlier Bangalore), India.
Suzanne Ramsey posted a condolence
Saturday, November 4, 2023
Dear Farah and family,
I’m sorry to learn of you losing your dear mother. My memories of her always come to her interest in others. From the earliest days of my career she would ask how I was doing or compliment me on a certain fashion choice. Her soft eyes and those small kindnesses told me she had a huge heart. I can only Imagine the number of patients and families whom she comforted over her lifetime…We share in your sorrow. Suzanne Ramsey and Conrad Fernandez
Heather Perks posted a symbolic gesture
Friday, November 3, 2023

Dear Chamine, Farah, Saira and Ariz:
It saddens me to learn of your mother's passing and that I could not be there today to give you all my deepest sympathy in person. I worked in OPD in various clinics for many years so was in constant contact with her and received much advice for my clinic patients and myself over the years. I remember all the sad times in her life and the joyous moments. I know how she loved your dad, her beautiful dog and most of all, all her children.
When I got married, she gave me a lovely blue tablecloth with matching placemats of which I still have and use on special occasions and will always treasure.
My only regret is that she never knew we had one of her many loves love in common and that was horses. I knew only later that she and Geraldine Halfpenny-Franklin would watch the Kentucky Derby together.
It just seems like yesterday, that she was still there like all the OPD staff, working for our families to give the best we could provide. I truly can hear her voice in my head still and that wonderful smile. Yasmine was there for me several times giving me emotional support and for that I am very grateful.
I wish you to know that your mother, grandmother sister and friend was very, very unique and I will miss her.
My sincerest and deepest sympathy
Heather Perks
Dr. Colin Audain posted a condolence
Friday, November 3, 2023
To the family of the late Dr. Yasmine David:
It is with deep regret that Doctors Nova Scotia received word of the death of your family member, Dr. Yasmine David. I know I speak for all our members when I extend to you and your family the association’s sincerest sympathy.
Doctors Nova Scotia has made a contribution to the Memorial Fund for Nova Scotia Physicians in memory of Dr. David. The fund was established in 1975 to honor the memory of its deceased members. The income from the memorial fund is used to support the education of students in the Faculty of Medicine at Dalhousie University.
Sincere personal regrets,
Dr. Colin Audain
President, Doctors Nova Scotia
David Haase posted a condolence
Thursday, November 2, 2023
Dear Farah and the rest of the David family,
We were indeed saddened to learn of Yasmine's passing and send our sincere sympathy.
She was indeed very special and touched so many in her personal and professional life.
May God wrap his arms of comfort around you all.
David and Opal Haase
Marielle Elias posted a condolence
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
Sincere condolences to all the family.
No words can express how sad I am at the passing of my dear friend of 50 years. Yasmine was a beautiful, gentle and kind person. My late husband Joe and I had a great friendship with Charlie,Yasmine and also with Nasrine and Yasmine’s mom .I can go back remember those beautiful memories and laugh and cry at the same time.
They are together now, May they rest in peace.
Love to all the family.
Marielle Elias
Anne Nestman posted a condolence
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
Dear Farah and David family, I send my condolences to you as you grieve but also celebrate your beautiful mother. I remember meeting her with you, Farah, at the Bedford Market years ago and she was so warm, friendly and lovely. Blessings and love to you all.
Claire Reinhardt posted a condolence
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
Ariz and all family, been thinking of yr mom since our recent meeting, my condolences and blessings to all, sincerely, Claire Reinhardt
Karen Hartlen posted a condolence
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
My sincere condolences to the family for your loss. I was very fond of Dr.David having worked with her as support staff at the Pediatric Clinic at the IWK. I was saddened to hear of her passing. She was a great lady.
Stephanie Reidy posted a condolence
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
Dear friends, I am deeply sorry for your loss.
Your mother had the most generous heart and beautiful soul. I have such a vivid memory of the first time I talked with her. It was one of my earliest visits to your “Family Circus” home and I was young (maybe 13), just tagging along with Shannon. In my shyness, I’d retreated to the kitchen to sit on the floor, burying myself in petting your amazing malamute. When your mom came in, she just started chatting… as if I was a friend over for tea instead of a strange girl on the floor of her kitchen with the dog!
But most amazing was that when she eventually asked, “And who are you?”, and I responded, “Shannon’s little sister”, she smiled and said, “No, no, I already know Shannon. Now I want to know you... Who are YOU?” And then, as I stumblingly tried to tell her about myself, she listened intently to every word. No matter the circumstances, Yasmine Auntie always made people feel special.
To the entire David family, but especially Saira and Ariz, thank you for allowing me the incredible privilege of knowing your wonderful mother.
Much love,
Madge Posted Nov 2, 2023 at 4:17 PM
Dear Charmine, Farah, Sara, Ariz, and the Rest of the David Family. Please accept my condolence and deepest sympathy on the passing of my Dear Friend Yasmine. I knew Yasmine from our early days in College. She was a brilliant student, and a brilliant Doctor. She was loved for her enthusiasm, her humor, her kindness and generosity of spirit. She was the BEST FRIEND YOU COULD HAVE. I was fortunate. Love Madge
Suresh Paliwal posted a condolence
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
We want to send our sincere condolences to the family of Yasmine David. We feel blessed that we were close to Yasmin to experience her thoughtful and caring nature. These have been precious years! Unfortunately age takes a toll on all of us. In being blessed to receive her gracious hospitality we experienced her magnanimity! She was thoughtful to invite us to join the family in birthday and other occasions for celebrations. We saw a rare quality of being genuinely welcoming and sharing the history of her experiences with other communities while growing up in India. In her family I see a wonderful reflection of Yasmine. The family she raised represents a great cosmos with members of different faiths such as Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Christianity all thriving in mutual love and respect! How much more does this world of our needs the visionaries like Yasmine and her husband Charles?! May all of us draw on the legacy that both of them left for us. May they rest in eternal peace and harmony. Om shanti! Om shanti!
John LeBlanc posted a condolence
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
Dear family, my deepest condolences to you. What a wonderful lady and what a life! I worked with her for many years in the pediatric clinic at the IWK before she retired. We had lots of laughs and discussions about serious issues. She had a rich life and has a great family. I know you will miss her deeply.
Ken and Rosena Jackson posted a condolence
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
Condolences and prayers to the family
Laura Howlett posted a condolence
Monday, October 30, 2023
I would like to offer my sincere condolences to the David family following the loss of this amazing woman. She always had words of encouragement and time (and samosas!) for her daughter’s med students friends, and provided this sometimes lonely ‘come from away’ student with a sense of home away from home. She was a great role model as we grew into our roles as physicians. She will be greatly missed.
John Stetic posted a condolence
Monday, October 30, 2023
Our deepest condolences to everyone in the David family. While we did not get many opportunities to spend time with Yasmine, her love of life and adventure has been so clearly inherited by the next generations of the family. May we all be so lucky to live such a full life.
The family of Yasmine David uploaded a photo
Monday, October 30, 2023

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